Search Results
Strata 2012: Usman Haque, "Open Data and the Internet of Things"
Strata 2012: Flavio Villanustre, "Machine Learning and Big Data: Sustainable Value or Hype?"
Strata 2012: Gary Lang, "Big Data's Next Step: Applications"
Strata 2012: Jonathan Gosier, "Democratization of Data Platforms"
Kenneth Cukier keynote at Strata Conference London 2012 "The Manifest Destiny of Big Data"
D:GP 2012: Usman Haque, John Wilbanks, Lev Manovich
ThingsCon 2014: Usman Haque
Strata 2012: Ben Goldacre "The Information Architecture of Medicine is Broken"
Strata Conference 2012
Strata 2011: Werner Vogels, "Data Without Limits"
Strata 2012: Dave Campbell, "Do We Have The Tools We Need To Navigate The New World Of Data?"
Strata 2012: Steve Schoettler, "Learning Analytics"